Monday, June 25, 2012

Well we are still in Pennaylvania. It rained all day but then cleared in the afternoon. We were at a park that had lots and lots of dogs. Mom brought me for a walk and this woman with this very tiny dog said to mom,"you had better keep that Whippet away from my dog, they are hunters you know" then mom said to her,"one,she is a greyhound, two i am aware they are hunters, and three she has only killed two woodchucks this year-no rats, so i guess your safe.". that lady acted real angry and picked up her dog and went into her house on wheels. 
     We went on some good trails, saw some more deer and some more rabbits. What a grip mom had on that leash. i could not convince her to let me chase them. It is real nice up here, mountains everywhere, mom said that the corn is where it is suppose to be,"knee high by the fourth of july"

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